Thursday 12 June 2014

Pros and Cons of Communication with ICT

Information and Communications Technology (ICT) enables us to use a wide variety of methods to communicate with others.

Which methods of ICT communication do you use?  
Are some better than others?


  1. I used my mobile phone to text and call people. I booked holidays and bought a products on-line. They are all great way of communicating but you have to be careful that you communicating with the person or site.

    Colin Hannaway

  2. I send and reply text messages on my mobile phone. I also email my work to the tutor in some of my classes. I use the internet for shopping.I use my laptop to do my homework for my courses.

    Sandra Martin

  3. i use my new iphone se to send and receive texts and emails. I store my photos and other files also on this device

    Michael Hoey


Include the pros and cons of your preferred methods of communication in your comment: